Hollingsworth Road Bridge Replacement

EBA provided structural, transportation, environmental, and geotechnical engineering services for the replacement of Hollingsworth Road bridge over an unnamed stream in Carroll County. The existing single-span steel beam bridge, constructed 48 years ago and approximately 19 feet long, had a clear roadway width of roughly…

Guilford Reservoir covered an area of approximately 5 acres when originally constructed in 1888 as part of the City of Baltimore’s water system. Starting in 2008, EBA assisted in the evaluation of reservoir cover options to enhance safety. As part of the study, EBA evaluated…

EBA evaluated the existing pavement and subgrade conditions of the 1 million square-foot Runway 8-26 and associated runway safety area for Delta Airport Consultants. Initial work to support preparation of a geotechnical report and recommendations for this $9.4M pavement rehabilitation consisting of soil borings along…

EBA provided geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring, construction inspection and testing, and condition surveys for expansion of an existing pump station, along with construction of a 3,500-foot-long, 66-inch-diameter tunnel with 3 shafts to accommodate a new 48-inch sewer force main. EBA conducted pre- and post-condition surveys…

EBA Engineering, Inc. (EBA) provided civil, geotechnical, and environmental services for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) Water Piscataway Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) Bioenergy project. By converting the WRRF from a treatment plant into a bioenergy production facility, this project will help lower fossil…

The 585-acre park at Fort Frederick in Big Pool, Maryland, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is one of the finest intact examples of a British Colonial fort constructed during the French and Indian war in 1756. The fort was used…

On February 12, 2021, the City of Baltimore Department of Public Works notified EBA about water flowing from a 48-inch prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP) water main under the I-83 bridge southbound (Falls Road) off ramp. The breach shut down water service, causing a temporary…

Originally constructed in 1940, the Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is part of the City of Baltimore’s critical water infrastructure. The plant has a capacity of 63 million gallons per day and serves an area of approximately 184 square miles. One of the last steps…

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s new $16 million bus rapid transit (BRT) system, the Flash, operates along US 29 in Montgomery County, Maryland, and provides a faster and more efficient way to move people along the corridor at a lower cost. This project used…