GIS/Asset Management Consulting and Implementation Services
The City of Cumberland, Maryland, needed to build a comprehensive GIS and asset management program to improve water, wastewater, and flood control program management. The City had been maintaining data in multiple locations and formats and realized the benefits of moving to a centralized web-based system.
EBA Engineering, Inc. (EBA) worked with the City to help them improve their GIS, facilitate improved workflows, and lay the foundation for implementing an asset management system. The project included a grounding investigation, strategy development, and implementation services.
The grounding investigation began with a project kick-off meeting and educational session focused on ArcGIS for Water and ArcGIS Online (AGOL) web and mobile capabilities. EBA conducted grounding interviews with city departments before preparing and delivering the draft and final grounding report.
To develop a GIS and asset management strategy for the City, EBA facilitated strategy development meetings with city departments. The team then prepared and delivered the draft and final strategy report.
Implementation services included compiling GIS data into a central enterprise geodatabase; implementing an AGOL Data viewer for crews to access data in the field, the Flag Data widget for field crews to report data issues and data markups to GIS staff, and training on Esri’s ArcGIS for AutoCAD extension; improving the data transfer process between CAD and ArcGIS; enhancing the base map options in AutoCAD; and developing unique asset and location IDs for all water, wastewater, storm water, and flood control assets.