
NASA Repair Operations Maintenance and Engineering Services (ROME) BIM Services

EBA has supported the Facilities Management Division at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center for more than 20 years. We develop CAD, BIM, and facilities management solutions in a secure environment to facilitate Goddard’s ongoing facility modifications for evolving mission responsibilities.

During conversion of building information from CAD to BIM, EBA uses Archibus to access and confirm the accuracy of spatial data.

On-site EBA team members integrate and update information systems to provide an accurate picture of facility assets. The team assists with project planning, through design and integration of new facilities, construction, and to the end of the facility lifecycle, decommissioning, and removal.

Tasks include:

  • Enhancing and maintaining facilities management related applications.
  • Assisting with the integration between COTS applications including AutoCAD, Revit, Archibus, Geographic Information System (GIS), and Maximo.
  • Maintaining as-built building models, site surfaces features, and underground utilities using AutoCAD and Revit.
  • Using Trimble survey equipment and software to capture datapoints in the field.
  • Employing 3D imaging scanners to collect point cloud data.
  • Provide drafting support for all disciplines of architectural and engineering design projects.
  • Developing and maintaining CAD standards in a CAD User Manual.
  • Scanning hardcopy full-size design drawings to a digital AutoCAD format.
  • Installing AutoCAD on end user’s NASA-provided computers.
  • Maintaining Autodesk License Manager in a redundant 3-server configuration.

EBA applies prior work experience as applicable to Goddard projects—whether for a single building, an entire campus, or multi-facility compounds—to streamline work effort and maximize cost efficiency.

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