Gorman Avenue Water Main Replacement
This project involved designing and preparing contract documents (plans and specifications) for bidding and construction of approximately 10,000 feet of small-diameter, 8-inch water main replacement and water house service replacements.
EBA prepared the task proposal and provided management/coordination, design, and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC). EBA also addressed all requests for information during construction.
EBA conducted as-built research and visited the project site to observe and document field conditions and potential design impacts. EBA used this data and information from subconsultants to draft the task proposal scope, schedule, fee, and consultant roles.
As the prime consultant, EBA worked with four other subconsultants and regularly conducted meetings and presentations. EBA coordinated work among consultants consistently to ensure smooth task delivery.
EBA prepared contract documents, including drawings, specification, permits, cost estimates, traffic control plans, and right-of-way issues. EBA also conducted QA/QC at all project levels, including subconsultant deliverables.