EBA Recognizes 2019 Project of the Year Award Winners

EBA was proud to work on many innovative, successful projects in 2019, but recently we recognized the best-of-the-best with our 2019 Project of the Year Awards. Learn more about this year’s outstanding award recipients below.
Small Project of the Year—Montebello Filtration Plants 1 and 2 Improvements
Placed in service in 1915, Baltimore’s Montebello Filtration Plant 1 can treat up to 128 million gallons per day of water from Loch Raven Reservoir or the Susquehanna River. Montebello Filtration Plant 2 was placed in service in 1928 and can treat up to 112 million gallons per day of water from the same sources. Both plants were rehabilitated to maintain the drinking water supply to Baltimore residents.
Improvements to Plant 1 included the exterior site, piping, flocculation/sedimentation basin, filter and pipe gallery, HVAC, post lime facility, water flow metering, and a new coagulant building. Plant 2 improvements involved concrete repairs in the filter gallery, indoor/elevated wash water tanks, and basement of the chemical building.
EBA provided design and construction administration services related to the abatement of hazardous materials during demolition and renovation activities.
Large Project of the Year—Cox Creek Dredged Material Containment Facility Expansion
The Port of Baltimore is an economic engine for the State of Maryland, generating millions in state, county, and municipal taxes and billions in job revenue. Placing sediment dredged from Baltimore Harbor is critical to maintaining safe ship navigation. The Cox Creek Dredged Material Containment Facility is a major component of the Maryland Port Administration’s dredged material management plan for Baltimore Harbor.
To meet increasing demands, the facility was expanded provide an additional 11.3 million cubic yards of placement capacity. The project included demolishing former industrial buildings at the 93-acre expansion site, constructing a sediment basin for stormwater management, excavating a borrow area, widening and raising existing dikes, and constructing new dikes.
EBA provided environmental services for all three phases of the expansion project.
Selection Criteria
EBA’s Project of the Year Award nominees are judged based on their success at exceeding client needs; uniqueness; innovation; scope and significance; social, economic, and sustainable impacts; level of difficulty; and project constraints.
Congratulations to EBA’s project teams for their achievements! Thank you for your relentless commitment to excellence!