EBA Engineering Promotes Joseph Danquah to Department Manager

EBA Engineering, Inc. (EBA) is pleased to announce the promotion of Joseph Danquah, PE, to assistant vice president and water systems engineering department manager. Danquah joined EBA in 2007 and is based in the firm’s Laurel, Maryland, office.
“Joseph’s decades of experience and knowledge have made him a leader in the water systems engineering industry,” said EBA President and CEO Rizwan Siddiqi, PE. “His exceptional work to support water and wastewater infrastructure improvements in the mid-Atlantic region has helped to provide critical water services to countless citizens.”
Danquah has more than 20 years of experience in water, wastewater, and sanitary infrastructure systems design. He has designed and managed high-profile, complex projects for Baltimore City and County, WSSC Water, DC Water, NASA, and numerous other cities and agencies.
He is currently managing the DC Water Service Life Restoration Program, which involves restoring essential water infrastructure that serves DC area residents. He has also managed $20 million in water and sewer projects for WSSC Water over the last decade.
Danquah was a key member of the team that developed the current sewer model for WSSC Water and was personally responsible for modeling several sewersheds in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties in Maryland.
Danquah holds a bachelor’s degree in metallurgical engineering from the University of Science and Technology in Kumasi, Ghana, and a master’s degree in environmental engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. He is a registered professional engineer in the District of Columbia.
He can be reached at 240.547.1127, joseph.danquah@ebaengineering.com, or on LinkedIn.