EBA Engineering Expands Board of Directors with Four New Members

EBA Engineering, Inc. (EBA) has expanded the company’s board of directors with the addition of four new members—Pranoy Choudhury, CCM, DBIA; Joseph DeLuca, GISP; Megan Disney; and Elizabeth Ventmiller.
“We are excited to expand our board with four new professionals who will bring diverse expertise and insight to our operations,” said EBA President and CEO Rizwan Siddiqi, PE. “These employees’ commitment, leadership, and passion for EBA will continue to drive the company forward.”
Pranoy Choudhury, CCM, DBIA, joined EBA in 2017 and is vice president for construction management and inspection. Before joining EBA, Choudhury was an engineer for the Maryland State Highway Administration, where he managed and designed transportation projects statewide. He has more than a decade of private and public experience in highway design, construction management and inspection, access management, maintenance, and incident management. He is a member of the Maryland Association of Engineers (MAE) board of directors and chairs MAE’s membership committee.
Joseph DeLuca, GISP, joined EBA in 2017 and is assistant vice president of geospatial technologies. DeLuca has 21 years of experience in geographic information systems (GIS), environmental and asset management consulting, and technology implementation for utilities. He has led numerous projects for local governments to provide custom GIS, web and mobile application, database development and implementation, and other software and technology support services. He currently chairs the Maryland State Geographic Information Committee (MSGIC) education committee.
Megan Disney joined EBA in 2015 and is vice president of marketing and communications. With more than 20 years of AEC industry experience, Disney directs EBA’s marketing initiatives and is responsible for strategic planning and implementation. She recently oversaw the planning and development of EBA’s new intranet site, which was recognized with a marketing communications Key Award from the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) Maryland. She currently chairs the public relations and website committee for the American Council of Engineering Companies/Maryland (ACEC/MD).
Elizabeth Ventmiller joined EBA in 2010 and currently serves as the company’s assistant treasurer and vice president of accounting. She has more than 30 years of finance and accounting experience in the AEC industry, working in various capacities ranging from assistant controller to treasurer.
EBA’s seven-member board of directors also includes Rizwan Siddiqi, PE; Steve Diggins, PE; and Jairo Palomino, CPA. Kevin Kreis, PE, DBIA, has completed his tenure on EBA’s board and will continue his role as a senior vice president serving our construction management and inspection clients.
“We are confident that Pranoy, Joe, Megan, and Elizabeth will continue to serve as exceptional leaders for EBA and will be great assets to our board of directors,” said Siddiqi.