Annapolis City Dock Named Engineering Society of Baltimore’s Project of the Year

The Associate Society Council of the Engineering Society of Baltimore presented EBA Engineering, Inc. (EBA) with their 2018 Project of the Year Award for the Annapolis City Dock Bulkhead Replacement, Phase 2 project. Lisa Grieco, PE, the City’s project manager; representatives from EBA, the designer; and a representative from Cianbro, the general contractor, accepted the award at a ceremony on April 12, 2018, at the Engineers Club of Baltimore.
The Engineering Society of Baltimore’s Project of the Year Award recognizes a significant accomplishment that contributes to a human or social need.
“The project team worked extremely well together to deliver an exceptional, multimillion dollar, major construction project in a short timeframe,” said EBA President and CEO Rizwan Siddiqi, PE. “The team provided an innovative solution to an important improvement project for the Annapolis community.”
EBA designed both phases of the project and also provided construction phase services, including construction management, inspection, and testing.
Located in the heart of Annapolis’ historic district, the Annapolis City Dock Bulkhead Replacement project was a high-profile endeavor requiring careful and extensive coordination between the City of Annapolis, key organizations, businesses, and government agencies.
Phase 2 concluded the City Dock Bulkhead Replacement and was completed in Spring 2016. This phase focused on protecting the inner City Dock near Market Space and Compromise Street. It involved constructing a 700-linear-foot cantilevered steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete cap, replacing and widening the boardwalk, and installing new boat slips and timber mooring piles.
In all, the team successfully managed a complex, severely time-constrained project, including a project site with 300 years of structural history on it. The team considered both sustainable development strategies and the needs of future generations in the project’s design.
The project previously received the 2017 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement (Small Project) Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Maryland Section and an Outstanding Project Award in the American Council of Engineering Companies Maryland (ACEC/MD) 2017 Engineering Excellence Awards competition.